ASELECT.ZIP 17191 05-27-96 ASelect v0.2b. Full screen file and message area selector program written in MEX. ENTR215X.ZIP 62628 06-20-96 Enterz v2.15: 95 Animated Enter Prompts. The best 'Press Enter' prompt generator which features 95 ready-to-go prompts, the ability to add custom animations to the data files with a separate program, center prompts and more. FLSBBP08.ZIP 52015 06-10-96 Files.bbs sort and update programs. OS/2 versions. LLST200S.ZIP 204501 05-08-96 L-List v2.00. Complete utility for your file base: edit Files.bbs, process TIC files and much other. Direct support for Lora and Maximus. MAXFREQ2.ZIP 21224 06-12-96 MAXFreq v2.0. Offline file System. Takes and deals with requests from your callers, for files listed as offline. Does everything but get the backup disk! Searches for disk number, shows area where file should be copied, etc. MAXKIT20.ZIP 31183 04-13-96 Max Kit v2.0. Replacement for logon questions. Files used on The Mountain Top BBS, birthday, gender phones, password etc. MCC038.ZIP 318147 05-24-96 Maximus Control Center v1.0.38 for Windows. The smart graphical configuration program. NMFW205.ZIP 212823 06-18-96 NmFwd v2.05. OS/2/ Netmail Multi Robot. Netmail forward to the Sysop's point, Maximus user and file management via netmail messages, areafix for squish, point routing to their boss if no phone number in the list. NMFWD205.ZIP 272054 06-18-96 NmFwd v2.05. DOS/32. NMFWW205.ZIP 222986 06-18-96 NmFwd v2.05. Win NT. QFB109.ZIP 64262 06-21-96 QFB v1.09. OS/2. Quick File Base Builder. Generation of UniFiles.Idx with no duplicates for F/R. Multi-Line description support. Very fast update. QFBD109.ZIP 74662 06-21-96 QFB v1.09. DOS/32. QFBW109.ZIP 69845 06-21-96 QFB v1.09. Win NT. STBAR20.ZIP 32025 04-19-96 StarBar v2.0. Replacement for File titles in file areas. Can be used on multi-language systems. Uses a lightbar method of listing files for single key tagging. STVIEW10.ZIP 10135 04-24-96 StarView v1.0. Replacement for File View in file areas. Can be used on multi language systems. Sysop definable file spec for viewing: .txt, .doc, or any other type you want to have available for online viewing. THEWAL51.ZIP 10244 06-12-96 Graffiti Wall v5.1. Full MEX graffiti wall features sysop adjustable colours, displays newest entries first, and generally kicks arse compared to all other wall's.